CoalitionS has created a survey on to ask researchers for their input on how we, as a research community, can work towards a responsible publication culture.


Here you can find the link to the survey
(CWTS is coordinating, that is why the link is through Leiden University)




The publishers have already had their chance and gave (very critical) feedback, but now it is the turn of the researchers to speak out and give their input.

As a library we negotiate with a lot of publishers on behalf of our students, staff and researchers and we see many reasons for concern. It is clear to us that something  has to change. We wrote about this before in the blog about Changing Publication Culture at the TU Delft.

There will also be a conferance on April the 18th in Utrecht on ‘What do we want (or not want) from publishers?’ This event is organized with support from NWO, NFU and UNL and is an open forum to discuss what the academic sector wants from the publishing sector in safeguarding academic values in a just, equitable and open scholarly communication landscape. There are still some places available, so please join us if you wish to discuss this topic more in depth. 

Further details are available via:

Registration via:

If the 18th does not suit your schedule, but you feel this topic should be discussed in your department and/ or faculty, reach out to us and we can discuss how to bring this information and the discussion to your department/ faculty.

If you have ideas, feedback or other comments I’d very much like to hear them. You can leave a comment or e-mail me directly.